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Information on Lycans and Lycanthropy

What is Lycanthropy?

Lycanthropy is a genetic trait that allows the inflicted individual to transform into an omnipedal wolf form. It is passed down from parent to child, but occasionally the shifting trait will skip a child and they will not be able to transform. It cannot be transferred through bite as old stories say, but there is a theory that a bite from a lycan can awaken the ability to transform if it lays dormant in a person's genes. Utilizing this method in an attempt to gain the ability to shift is not recommended.


Basic Terms

Shifting - The physical transformation of a lycan from human form to wolf

Lycan/Lycanthrope - The official term for a person with lycanthropy, although some may prefer to be called a wolf. The term werewolf is often avoided.

Alpha/Beta/Delta/Omega - These and a few other terms are names often used for different pack ranks in packs that have a stricter hierarchy. Not all packs use these or have different ranks, especially family packs.


"Types" of Lycan

Some people will use different labels for themselves or place them upon other lycans depending on their heritage, or how much "lycan blood" they have in them. Werewolf hunters and younger inexperienced lycans may also use these terms. They are not a definite label, and many lycans do not agree with their usage.

Normal/Genetic - A lycan who inherited lycanthropy from one of their parents or grandparents, usually used for lycans whose parents were skipped by the shifting gene but still passed it down.

Halfblood - A lycan who has one human parent and one lycan parent / one parent with a dormant shifting gene.

Pureblood - A lycan whose parents are both lycans.

Alpha - A more uncommon term used to describe a lycan whose parents are both purebloods. They seemingly have a higher chance of passing down the shifting gene to their children, and may be able to shift more easily and with less pain.

Wild Lycan - A more controversial label, with low evidence of these types of lycans existing. The supposed result of a shifted female lycan mating with a male wolf or similar canine. Sometimes born in wolf form, either with the ability to shift from birth or gaining the ability within a few years, much faster than most lycans. If real, rare and unusual. They usually remain away from general society and prefer to stay in their wolf form.


Common Misconceptions

Lycans are immortal / invulnerable - Although lycans do heal much faster than humans do, due to it being a necessity to be able to survive shifting, they don't live forever and are plenty capable of being harmed. Although while shifted they might have a thick enough pelt to avoid most small injuries, being shot or stabbed will certainly still harm them just as it would with a normal wolf.

Lycans are bipedal creatures - A very common misconception about lycans. Although some do have the ability to balance and walk on their hind legs, most at least prefer to walk on all fours as it takes less energy and is generally faster.

Lycans black out when they shift - One of the most common misconceptions I've seen. The vast majority of Lycanthropes do not black out or "lose control" when they shift. Many remain fully aware and intelligent, although animalistic instincts may be even further heightened which can lead to different behaviours or actions.


Different Types of Lycanthropy

Lycanthropy - see above

Spiritual Lycanthropy - A form of lycanthropy where the lycan cannot physically shift but still has many lycan traits and identifies as a lycan by other means. Often used by people with Lycan ancestry who were skipped by the shifting gene but still have lycan instincts and attributes. Not the same as otherkin.

Modern Lycanthropy - A term to describe humans who adopt a lycan-like lifestyle and identify as non-shifting lycans. Often times these people are otherkin, or simply admire werewolves and wish to reject humanity. They may wear tails or fake fangs and collars, and create small packs in their local area. It is similar to modern Vampires: Humans who adopt a nocturnal schedule and drink each others blood for similar reasons. Simply not enjoying humanity or feeling connected to a non-human creature.

Otherkin - Otherkin are people who identify as non-human creatures on a spiritual or psychological level. Although Otherkin is an umbrella term, it is mainly used to decribe people who identify as non-earthly/"mythical" creatures and isn't restricted to animals (dragons, elves, ghosts, etc.). There is a more specific term for earthly animals (alive or extinct) of Therianthropy. Werewolfkin/lycanthropekin/lycankin would be the terms for otherkin who identify as lycanthropes.

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