Rules & Guidelines
Three strike rule - Three warnings result in an immediate ban. We aim to keep this forum safe and clean.
No Antis
If you're here just to make fun of the beliefs of our users, or to make a bait account for "cringe" material, you are absolutely not welcome here and will be banned. Suspicious accounts will also be put under investigation. People who don't believe in lycanthropy but are curious about our community are allowed if respectful.
Claiming that lycanthropy isn't real or bringing up clinical lycanthropy in an attempt to discourage the users of this site is also against the rules. Their experiences are their own, not something for you to use to try to diagnose them.
People Under The Age Of 14 Are Not Allowed
This forum is intended for users 16+, but the lowest age allowed is 14. If you are younger than that, just wait until you're old enough before getting into the Lycan community. It will be better for your mental health, and will be safer.
Keep Your Personal Information To Yourself
For your own safety and for the safety of others, please avoid sharing personal information such as your location/address and full legal name. This rule especially applies to minors. Breaking this rule will result in a warning and being asked to remove the information / the post containing the information will be deleted.
First names or Nicknames/Aliases are allowed, just be safe.
No Spam Posting
Please refrain from making off-topic posts, or posting the same thing repeatedly. If you are found to be spam posting the posts will be removed and you will receive a warning. This forum is made for Lycans and curious humans to connect and communicate, not for you to rant about your favourite My Little Pony headcanons.
Keep Your Posts Clean
Although this site is aimed towards users who are 16 years of age or older, there are younger users. 18+ groups for less- appropriate conversations and questions will be implemented in the future.
No Harassment Or Bullying
Please refrain from purposefully harassing or upsetting other users for your own entertainment. If you're looking for people to bother, consider reassessing your values and go elsewhere. Each offence earns you a warning, repetitive or serious offences will earn you a ban.
Don't Descriminate
Although harassment and bullying is already against the rules, harassing users over personally identifying matters is absolutely never allowed. We do not tolerate discrimination over age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or any other similar matters.
Be Respectful of All Members
Although this site was originally intended for physical lycans, we do welcome otherkin and human/modern-lycanthropes as well. Please be respectful of this fact. This site is a safe space for all lycans and non-humans. And on a related topic to this; Please make it clear what your species/identity is on your profile. If you are otherkin or a spiritual lycanthrope and not a lycanthrope who can physically shift, please make that clear on your profile in the species tab.